I sent it to Walker Books as a fully finished mock up. By the time it was published it had got quite a bit shorter. Here are the spreads that did not make it - plus some of those that did.
Here are the old endpapers. Funny little shapes - later used for background snails.
Here - below - are the actual endpapers. The leaves signify nothing, but the colours are variations and tints from those used on the cover.
As I said, we had too many pages. This was one of my favourites :
The medals were fun, and he had a trophy too!
Curliest moustache:
Silliest sausage:
This spread was replaced by the butterflies, but we kept the tall spread for the giraffe:
This spread - the world's grandest piano - was one I never liked, I must have drawn dozens of the things, so I was glad to drop it.
maddest hatter:
The space ship was on white, but Designer Audrey Keri-Nagy at Walkers suggested putting in on the blue - more interesting:
the pages that survived: